AV - Adferdsvitenskap

Hvordan bli sexolog?

76 views 3. februar 2023

Spesialist i Sexologisk rådgivning-NACS Spesialist i Seksualitetsundervisning og opplysning-NACS Tore Holte Follestad Masteremne: Seksuell helsekompetanse Institutt for Atferdsvitenskap

Hva er en sexolog? Sykepleier/

94 views 3. februar 2023

Spesialist i Sexologisk rådgivning-NACS Spesialist i Seksualitetsundervisning og opplysning-NACS Tore Holte Follestad Masteremne: Seksuell helsekompetanse Institutt for Atferdsvitenskap

Informasjon om emner i seksuell helse ved

70 views 23. januar 2023

Spesialist i Sexologisk rådgivning-NACS Spesialist i Seksualitetsundervisning og opplysning-NACS Tore Holte Follestad Masteremne: Seksuell helsekompetanse Institutt for Atferdsvitenskap

Classical Studies

104 views 25. august 2022

Classical studies in social networks

Complexity and organizations

89 views 25. august 2022

Looking at organizations through the lenses of complexity

Complexity Theory

146 views 25. august 2022

A general introduction to complexity science.


86 views 25. august 2022

The concept of emergence in complex systems.


87 views 25. august 2022

Self-organization in complex systems

Social Contagion - network and behavior

83 views 25. august 2022

The spread of behavior in complex systems

Social Network Analysis

92 views 25. august 2022

A brief introduction to the study of social networks.

Social Networks

94 views 25. august 2022

Networks as emergent structures in complex systems

A complexity perspective on organizational change

127 views 25. august 2022

A lecture about organizational change from a perspective of complexity science.