NVH - Naturvitenskapelige helsefag

3 av 3: Barnemishandling

295 views 23. november 2021

Dette er film 3 av 3 i forelesningsrekke om barnemishandling i et radiografperspektiv. I denne filmen forklares hvilke skader som er spesifikke for barnemishandling og om skademekanismen.

2 av 3: Barnemishandling

285 views 23. november 2021

Dette er film 2 av 3 i forelesningsrekke om barnemishandling i et radiografperspektiv. I denne filmen forklares hvilken undersøkelse som tas når det er mistanke om barnemishandling.

1 av 3: Barnemishandling

368 views 23. november 2021

Dette er film 1 av 3 i forelesningsrekke om barnemishandling i et radiografperspektiv. I denne filmen forklares ulike typer barnemishandling og konsekvensene dette har for barnet og for samfunnet.

Lungekreft: Behandling

953 views 8. juni 2021

Lungekreft: Diagnose og funn

1.046 views 8. juni 2021

Laget for bachelorstudenter ved fakultet for helsevitenskap, OsloMet - Storbyuniversitetet.

Quantitative Methods: Cohort

1.289 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

2 of 6 Quantitative Studies: Data Analyses

1.140 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

1.091 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

2 of 6 Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

972 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

3 of 6 Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

1.023 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

4 of 6 Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

939 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

5 of 6 Quantitative Methods: Bivariate

883 views 7. mai 2021

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.