Tagget med 2024
Skriving – KGN
Skriving er et av fem mestringsområder i Udirs Kartleggingsverktøy i grunnleggende norsk. I denne miniforelesningen forteller Line-Marie Holum fra Nasjonalt senter for flerkulturell opplæring - OsloMet blant annet om hvilke aspekter ved skriving som vektlegges i verktøyet (innhold, form og bruk) og hvordan progresjonen er fra nivå 1-3.
Hvorfor har vi ikke minstelønn i Norge?
Professor Rune Halvorsen forklarer hvorfor vi ikke har lovfestet minstelønn i Norge.
A short introduction to the Master's programme Nordic Social Policy and Global Sustainable...
Professor Randi Wærdahl explains why you should apply for the master’s programme.
How to test for mono
Diagnostic tests for infectious mononucleosis.
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs
Here are several examples of research designs, and what they typically are used for.
Comparison in statistics
How to make comparisons in statistics. Different approaches.
Statistical approaches
Based on variables and research question, there are several statistical approaches. Here we look at Comparison, Regression, Corrolation, and Estimation.
Variables in statistics
Variables have different traits. They can be metric or categorical with different sub-traits: Continuous, dichotomous, discrete, nominal, ordinal.
Descriptive statistics
How do we describe variables in statistics? This two minute video will give you some examples.
Standard Deviation
A quick explanation of Standard deviation in statistics.