What is systemic design?
Théo Rousset is a student in Practice Oriented Systemic Design in Nantes, France. In this video he explains what systemic design is and how he and his fellow students who works in NRK TV, the weather channel, and Metrological Institute, used this method in their student project. The course is a collaboration between Oslo Metropolitan...
Ergoterapi og masterutdanning
I denne videoen forteller tidligere og nåværende masterstudenter med spesialisering i ergoterapi om sine erfaringer. Maren Høgblad Aas er Ergoterapeut med mastergrad som jobber ved Martina Hansens Hospital, Tadalla Weriku Birmadji er ergoterapeut og masterstudent og grunnlegger av Alfin, Brita Teigen Rognli er Ergoterapeut og masterstudent og...
Rapporteringsmodulen i styringsportalen
Gjennomgang av funksjoner i rapporteringsmodulen i styringsportalen.
Saksgang i skikkethetsvurdering
Institusjonsansvarlig for skikkethetsvurdering, Nayén Bacci Myhrvold, forteller hvordan skikkethetsvurderings-saker håndteres ved OsloMet.
Classical Studies
Classical studies in social networks
Complexity and organizations
Looking at organizations through the lenses of complexity
Complexity Theory
A general introduction to complexity science.
Self-organization in complex systems
Social Contagion - network and behavior
The spread of behavior in complex systems
Social Network Analysis
A brief introduction to the study of social networks.