Tagget med english

Student attitudes toward teaching English with technology

114 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Gard B. Jenset, published in Seminar.net Vol. 7 No 2 (2011). Read online: Student attitudes toward teaching English with technology

Populism in Democracies and Autocracies

229 views 2. desember 2021

Irina Busygina, professor at the Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg, Russia, discusses why populism is attractive and on the rise in many countries, and what characterises populism in democratic and autocratic states respectively.

How to install EndNote?

626 views 26. januar 2021

Guide on how you, as an OsloMet student, can install the reference handling tool EndNote. OsloMet University Library

A meeting with Zygmunt Bauman

1.276 views 8. januar 2021

Published 2019 Wikipedia: "Zygmunt Bauman (19 November 1925 – 9 January 2017) was a Polish sociologist and philosopher. He was one of the world's most eminent social theorists, writing on issues as diverse as modernity and the Holocaust, postmodern consumerism and liquid modernity." Each of the four segments in this film were taped in Leeds,...

Zygmunt Bauman - Liquid Modernity - at Oslo University College 2001

1.595 views 8. januar 2021

Published 2019 Wikipedia: "Liquid modernity - Zygmunt Bauman, who introduced the idea of liquid modernity, wrote that its characteristics are about the individual, namely increasing feelings of uncertainty and the privatization of ambivalence. It is a kind of chaotic continuation of modernity, where a person can shift from one social position...

What and where – how to find the information you are searching for

542 views 8. september 2020

What kind of information do you need, and where do you best search for it.

Field searching

410 views 8. september 2020

What is field searching and how do you use it

Phrase searching

430 views 8. september 2020

What is phrase searching and how do you use it


455 views 8. september 2020

Searching techniques: What is truncation and how do you use it

Welcome to PisaX

565 views 20. mars 2018

Published 2018 Helge Høivik gives an introduction to PisaX

Insights i EdX

842 views 9. mars 2018

Publisert 2018 Dosent Helge Høivik forteller om statistikkverktøyet Insights i nettkursplattformen EdX.

Feedback to students no 1

806 views 8. mars 2018

Published 2018 When students answer questions in edX courses it is possible to provide feedback that is dependent on what they answer. The video gives an example, using a question about Indo-European languages.