Tagget med pre-service teachers

Challenges with social software for collaboration: Two case studies from teacher training

120 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Teemu Valtonen, Sari Havu-Nuutinen, Patrick Dillon, Sini Kontkanen, Mikko Vesisenaho and Susanna Pöntinen, published in Seminar.net Vol. 9 No 1 (2013). Read online: Challenges with social software for collaboration: Two case studies from teacher training

Enhancing future teachers’ competencies for technology integration in education: Turning theory...

285 views 17. februar 2021

Presentation of the article by Jo Tondeur, published in Seminar.net Vol. 14, No. 2 (2018). Read online: Enhancing future teachers’ competencies for technology integration in education: Turning theory into practice